Sunday 9th March, 10am-5pm at St Barnabas Church, Brooking, Dartington (parking available)
with Sara Moon and Sam Wernham
For our first retreat this year and to celebrate International Women’s Day, two feminist priest/esses from Jewish and Christian traditions invite you to join them for an exploration of two foundational biblical women, Eve and Mary.
In the morning, Sara, will bring original Hebrew texts, along with rabbinic and contemporary midrash (creative interpretations) to liberate Eve’s story, which has been used as a tool of oppression. We will each work on our own creative midrash to reinstate Eve’s sovereignty and power, as an offering of healing and repair for us all.
In the afternoon, Sam will bring ancient apocryphal gospels and contemporary feminist theology to re-discover Mary as a Hebrew prophet and inspirational teacher. We will work together to co-create an embodied reimagining of the traditional Marian devotional practice: the Angelus.
Open to feminists of any gender. Please bring your journals, note books, sketch pads etc and a packed lunch or some lunch to share. Hot drinks will be provided. We will be both inside and out, so please dress very warmly and bring waterproof gear.
Offered on a sliding scale/donation basis: £20 (supported), £40 (standard) and £60 (supporters).Booking essential: contact Sam
More about the guides:
Sara is an earth-based Jewish educator, ordained Kohenet/Hebrew Priestess and community organiser based in Dartington, Devon. She is the co-founder of Miknaf Ha’aretz, which cultivates radical-diasporist Jewish community in the UK through deep reconnection with ancient Jewish earth-based wisdom. Sara also loves to grow food, facilitate rites of passage ritual for young people and swim in the river.
Sam is the founder of Wild Monastery and its River Dart Wild Church. You can read more about her here.
Image credit: from the cover of Rimonim: Ritual Poetry of Jewish Liberation by Aurora Levins Morales
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