Welcome to the Hunters Moon Micro Monastery!

Sam has been offering sanctuary in her homes over the last couple of decades, from cabin retreats on Dartmoor and hermitages in the wilds of the Highlands, to peaceful spaces in her current home in Hunters Moon, Dartington, South Devon. Here there is simple and comfortable bed-sitting room with a private bathroom for solo travellers, with the option of short term self guided or guided retreats.

Sam is an Air BnB Superhost. Her Micro Monastery has welcomed hundreds of guests from all over the world, providing a peaceful and beautiful space to be…

Sam is an Air BnB Superhost and has sustained this and her 4.9 (out of a maximum of 5) star rating continually for the last seven years. Her Micro Monastery has welcomed hundreds of guests from all over the world, providing a peaceful and beautiful space to be. Guests come for many different reasons -during times of transition, for personal retreat, while attending local courses or simply for a peaceful holiday. All are welcome. Click on the link below for more details of the space, guest reviews, prices and bookings.

Peaceful room in Dartington, South Devon…