It’s been about a month since I wrote about upcoming events…long enough I think to now wax lyrical about our next set of retreats and courses. Following on from my last post…why not join me for our Living Spirit Spring Retreat day on March 28th…the perfect opportunity to get started with meditation or to refocus and deepen an established spiritual practice. Open to all and on a donation basis, with a suggested donation of £30 for the day. Accommodation is also available if you want to make the most of being on beautiful Dartmoor.

As for April…there are some real treats coming up. Starting with storyteller and mythologist Martin Shaw on April 10th. There’s been a whisper on the wind that this first day in his ‘Wheel of Story‘ will include the wonderful tale of Tristan and Isolde… soul food for all us lovers!

On the following weekend of April 17-18th, we are welcoming a new tutor, Patricia Chalkley, for a “Return to Source’ healing retreat. This will blend yoga and meditation and also sounds like it will really put the treat back in retreat, as I understand Patricia is bringing a colleague who will be offering individual times of aromatherapy massage and healing within the days. Come for the weekend or for either day. More details are available through our website, by clicking on the links above.