Everything seems to grow and change so fast at this time of the year. The wisteria has been overtaken by the roses and the meadow is lush with flowering grasses. Down by the pond I’ve seen my first ever ‘broad-bodied libellula’! A rather extraordinary name for a rather extraordinary darter dragonfly and just about the fattest, bluest beast I’ve even seen cruising our local waters.
Meanwhile, on the personal and family front there is also much growth and change. We have finally had to come to terms with leaving beautiful Bonehill House in early August. Ian and I have therefore been urgently searching for some new and more permanent premises. After several disappointments, I’m happy to say that we have finally had an offer accepted on some local barns for conversion. So… a great opportunity for a more sustainable and ecological base for both Living Spirit and Graphic Alchemy.
So, while the two remaining events on our programme will continue to run (more on these soon) and regular, local groups will continue (after the usual summer break) in alternative venues, Living Spirit will then be taking something of a sabbatical while I oversee our building project. So if you’ve ever wondered about building your own house and want to know what it would really be like to live through… then tune into this blog for regular updates…
Finally, an invitation to our Midsummer Madhatter’s Tea Party. By way of our regular seasonal gatherings and a leaving party, we’ll be hosting a tea party at Bonehill House on Sunday 27th June. Usual rules apply… tea party fare to share, but absolutely no jelly and blancmange on pain of death!
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