Saturday 1st February, 2-5pm at St Barnabas Church, Brooking, Dartington (parking available)

Drop in ‘high tea’ from 2-3.30pm & arrive/stay for ceremony at 3.30pm.

A gentle get together to start our year in community & to celebrate the first signs of spring, such as the snowdrops, with the birthday of the goddess & saint Brigid, matron of poetry, healing, midwifery, smith-craft and ‘livestock’. Sam also has her birthday (Jan 30th) just before the three days of this ancient triple festival of ImbolcBrigid’s Day & Candlemas + the more contemporary ‘Hedgehog Day’. On the theme of spring growth, this day also marks the beginning of the next stage in our settling into our new homebase at beautiful Brooking Church in Dartington. All are welcome to come along & have a good explore, including up the tower! Our gathering will also serve as a low key launch for this year’s events and a chance for pilgrims, retreatants, guides, volunteers and friends to meet over a cuppa.

From 2pm: the first hour or so will be for a kind of High Tea hanging out & exploring time on a drop in basis – please bring cake and small triangular sandwiches (or whatever!) to share (gluten free & vegan options appreciated).

At 3.30pm: we’ll settle into some more focussed time together, with a brief introduction to our year and the sacred season, followed by an hour or so of a simple, inter-spiritual, contemplative ceremony (including candle rolling) to bless the earth and beeswax candles for the year to come…

All welcome and donations in edible form, seasonal decorations and hard cash also invited. Remember to wrap up very warmly (outdoor wear) and bring a blanket & hot water bottle.