Wild Monastery is a way of living with care and curiosity within our inner and outer wilds

At the heart of this work is a sense of the Mystery, a deep Source within which all of life is interconnected.

Our approach to this is through the spiritual arts, such as meditation and ceremony… through the creative arts, like poetry, myth and storytelling… and through being out in the wilds in contemplative ways that help us to deepen connection with the natural world we are part of.

We respect the unique and diverse riches of all religious traditions and seek out the deep spiritual core at the heart of each, while having a special interest in the mystical Christian Way.

You can learn more about Wild Monastery throughout this website and in our Wild Church.

The concept of Wild Monastery was conceived by Rev Sam Wernham to express the experience of being a guest in the monastery of life, hosted by the more than human world, and of feeling called to respond to and reciprocate this deep hospitality.

Sam writes: ‘I seek to live a committed, contemplative life in deep relationship with the inner wilds of the soul and the outer wilds of the earth, and to share this with others in various ways.’ These include:

For more details:

Call Sam:
07979 057169

…or email: