As mentioned below, on Sunday March 28th Living Spirit will be offering an Easter and Springtime Retreat from 11am -4pm. For those of you who would like a bit more detail… this will be a quiet day of guided and silent meditation, blended with reflection and discussion and time for quiet walking outside in nature. As previously we’ll be exploring both a pagan and celtic christian approach to this sacred time… exploring themes of death and rebirth…of letting go of the old and opening up to new life and new beginnings. Offered on a donation basis, with a suggested donation of £30, plus a contribution to a bring and share lunch. Some low cost accommodation is available for those travelling from afar….

The retreat will roll on from 4pm into our usual seasonal celebration of walking onto the moors and returning to feast and have fun! Families and children are welcome to come along at this stage. We look forward to seeing you soon…